
Nuravine Dosing &
Irrigation Systems


Discover the Power of Recirculating Hydroponics

Recirculating hydroponics fuels accelerated plant growth and resource conservation. But with this speedy growth come challenges such as the need for constant moni­to­ring, adjustment, timely recipe changes, and full system drains and refills.Now, imagine a system that effortlessly manages these complexities for you.

Discover the Fully Automated Recirculating system from Nuravine. Catering to RDWC and more, Nuravine delivers an automated water and nutrient management solution perfectly suited for your needs. Experience the peace of mind that comes with automation and concentrate on your true passion: cultivating exceptional crops.

Time is money.

Advanced automation turns hours of work into minutes. With Nuravine’s Aurora, your crops have what they need, when they need it – 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Increase your yield, increase your profits.

Thanks to the Aurora’s precision, our growers have seen as much as a 15% increase in yield. With intelligent dosing, the Aurora will stabilize your plants’ solution at ideal conditions – over and over and over again.

HydraMax system connected to a Nuravine system

Keep an eye on your crops - from anywhere.*

With the Aurora managing the conditions of your hydroponics reservoir, you can focus on other projects and tasks. Using the Nuravine Cloud, monitor your system from the comfort of your home, on the road, or during that much-needed vacation.

*Requires internet connection at base and internet connected device with Web browsing capabilities


The Brain of your Hydroponic System

Introducing the Aurora – the most advanced and user-friendly hydro­ponic dosing and monitor and con­troller on the market. With its modu­lar design, high-quality sen­sors, and intui­shytive touch screen, Aurora offers unpa­ral­leled control for your recir­cula­ting or drip irrigation system.


Smart Irrigation for the Modern Grower

Flux brings the Nuravine 2.0 platform to life, offering unparalleled customi­zation in hardware and software. It can tackle any logic problem with sensors and valves, provi­ding unri­valed control, whether used alone or with our dosing systems.


Precision Nutrient Dosing Pumps

Elixir is Nuravine’s iconic 3 pump module. It works with the Aurora to become part of the perfect nutri­ent dosing system. Whether you are doing drip irri­gation or recir­cu­lating hydro­ponics, syn­thetic or organic, liquid or powdered nutrients Elixir has your back.
Large hall with huge cannabis plantation

Automated Changeout

Drain to a specific level, fill and dose into the next week. Yes, you heard it right, every manual aspect of the changeout is a thing of the past. Plan this event when it’s best for your plants, not when you have time to do it.